Op-Amp Comparator

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New Member
This is my first time doing a project related to Op-Amp comparator. For what i learn from all the books and online tutorial, when the Non-inverting voltage is higher than inverting voltage, the output of the OP-amp will be the +sat voltage(In this case 5V) while when the Inverting voltage is higher than the Non-inverting voltage , the output voltage will be -sat voltage( In this case 0V). But what i get from the simulation is that when the Non-Inverting Voltage is higher than the inverting voltage, the output voltage of the op-amp is almost 0 while when the inverting voltage is higher than the non-inverting voltage, the output voltage is even smaller and closer to 0V. Anyone know what happen or what should i do so that when the Non-inverting voltage is higher than the inverting voltage , the output voltage will be 5V and the LED will light up?

Thanks in advance!


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