opamp advice

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New Member
Wondering if someone can let me know if this is okay?

I have an opamp which simply gets a 0-5v input and amplifies it to 0-12v, well it can be anything from 0-12v to 0-12.5v depending on other components.

I have placed a vaiable resistor (see attachment) so I can scale it up to the required voltage. It works fine on prototype board, and wondering if temperature changes am I right in thinking that the voltage will be the same as the ratio in the variable resistor wipers will always be equal?

Many Thanks
A non inverting OPA will have a Gain of G= 1+[ Rf/Ri] so with an input of +5V and the pot set half way, you will get +10Vout.

I would not worry about the temperature problems regarding the pot.

If it is critical, I could run a LTSpice simulation over the expected temperature range.??
Hi Eric,
Thanks for the reply.

If you can run the simulator, that would be much appreciated, thanks

This is a couple of Sims using generic components, I would not expect a big change.
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