OpenServo web page

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New Member
In the thread about sensing robot leg load somone posted a link that led me to the OpenServo web page. This is very intresting stuff indeed.

Is there anyone around that has some experince with these boards? Havking a servo so that it can be controled over I2C buss, reading its speed, position, load and what not looks very intresting. Would be cool to hear if anyone has some epxiernce with these things...
To what ends? They sound really nice (AVR based too I might add) Feedback is always good if it can be placed properly in a control loop. The update rate and processing power of what gets that informations is going to determine how useful they are. I'm not so sure they're fast enough to do things like real time auto-ballancing, but in a more stable setting they'd be very nice. Programming inteligent code to do something with the servo feedback would be a real bear though.
Sorry for resurrecting such an old post, but I just wanted to say that I've been working with the OpenServo for almost 3 years. The Open Servo basically allows you to modify any motor/gearhead combo to be a highly functioning digital servo. You can easily make an Open-Servo for about $35 in your garage, whereas a similar digital servo can't be purchased for less than $120. I've assembled some by hand, and I willing to sell you a few if you need them. Go to my website at www{dot}pendragonrobotics{dot}com if you're interested. If you'd like to build your own, check out their forums and wiki pages for more info. Talk to you soon.

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