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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Robotics Web Links

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I've used all of these:

**broken link removed** - Make small robot kits that use RC servos
Phidgets makes loads of USB DAQ devices (input, outputs and sensors etc.)
DSPRobotics make a FREE graphical robotics programming language called FlowStone
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A few more, IMHO, great sites:

That last one has to be one of the most awesome ones I've run across in a long time; I just wish I wasn't a "dumb mono-language American" (if I had the time and money, I'd take a trip down to Guatamala for some Spanish immersion classes). Even so, running the pages thru google translate does a remarkable job.

I've noticed that googling "proyectos roboticos" (and the like) bring up a ton of interesting links (I often wonder what all I am missing out on simply because I don't speak/understand all the world's languages - the implications stagger me)...

I actually have a ton of robotics links that I could post; way more than would be prudent to post here, actually...
Hi, there is a link to my Robot platform made from scrap and salvaged parts
It is cheap and easy to build. New Project Radial Robot 1.jpg
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