optiquest flat screen monitor broke

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model Q7. Screen goes blank after 10-30 minutes. If I turn it off for long enough, it will work again for a while. Sometimes when I turn it back on the image flickers rapidly. I removed the over and the metal shroud over one of the circuit board and set a fan to blow air over it. This did not help.


Quite often a dried out electrolytic capacitor in the power supply.

If you don't have an ESR meter to test them, just try and replace them - won't cost too much if it doesn't work.

I've fixed three LCD monitors all with the same problems as yours this way and they are all still going strong.
thanks would a picture help identify the most likely cap(s)? Several have slightly bowed tops, which I thought indicated over heating.
Bowed tops = bad

One of my monitors had no bowed caps but they were still knackered - they had dried out and once replaced worked fine.

For the sake of pennies get them replaced and see if it helps. I think a complete set of caps for one of my monitors (from RS who aren't cheap !) were around £3

Don't get cheap caps, get proper low ESR switch mode caps at 105 degrees C and see what happens.
ok, but from RS? When I took electronics in hi school and at the tech center everyone said stay away from RS. Now that was 20+ years ago, but are they actually better now?
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