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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Orcad 9.2 pcb design....

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You can´t measure something that you can´t see. So if you want to measure size of hole you need to see that hole, and that is done by showing the appropriate layer. The button for the layer menu is called color192 and its somewhere in the top row.

I have got the led 3mm footprint and drawn schematic while creating net list it is showing error i have added the footprint both file to cadence lib.
but showing this error don't know why??


  • footprints.rar
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  • bvb.jpg
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Did you read what that goddamned software told you to read?
I am starting to regret the day I posted in this thread, it just keeps coming back to haunt me... You are so non-independent I can´t believe it.
[MODNOTE]Please keep it clean... Trashing people isn't the way to go...[/MODNOTE]
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Did you read what that goddamned software told you to read?

I have done as you said...nut why is showing error and placing of component can't nbe done i have saved the file to lib also...
Did you open the session log or netrev.lst to see what failed?

Once you identify the failure ... fix the problem(s).
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Did you open the session log or netrev.lst to see what failed?

How to open this??
here is the warning...

------ Oversights/Warnings/Errors ------

#1 WARNING(SPMHNI-192): Device/Symbol check warning detected. [help]

ERROR(SPMHNI-196): Symbol 'LED_3MM' for device 'LED55B/TO_LED_3MM_LED55B/TO' has extra pin '2'.

ERROR(SPMHNI-195): Symbol 'LED_3MM' for device 'LED55B/TO_LED_3MM_LED55B/TO' is missing pin '3'.

#2 WARNING(SPMHNI-192): Device/Symbol check warning detected. [help]

WARNING(SPMHNI-194): Symbol 'VLED_3MM' for device 'LED55B/TO_VLED_3MM_LED55B/TO' not found in PSMPATH or must be "dbdoctor"ed.
What did you open?

You have two errors in the #1 warning. Fix them.

You have one error in the #2 warning. Fix it.

You caused those errors. The ORCAD tech support are standing by to assist you at their website.

The advice I dispensed to you is read what was on your screen.

I'm no longer available to answer your questions.
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i have downloaded footprint from here....why are you guys not helping me is there any problem?
**broken link removed**
What does your "HELP" button or manual say about those errors?

Can you explain to me what those errors mean to you?
hi guys,

Please stop abusive posts about Ritesh, some of your remarks have crossed the line, any further abusive posts will be Moderated.

Let the members who want to help an OP do so, without cluttering up a Thread with unhelpful comments.

Repeating again, whats been posted a number of times, you are under no obligation to help an OP with his project.


i found that the problem was in LED symbol after changing it to is working no error/warning i created art work/gerber file of
here it is pls have a look and comment is there any mistake?


  • allegro.rar
    2.1 KB · Views: 371
  • Desktop.rar
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