I have tried Colpit oscillator to generate a sine wave of 250 k- 500k, it was generating wave in Circuit Maker but now when i was implementing it wasnt working. It was generating the wave of maximum 120k. I m using IC MC1496 and i m bound to stick with a frequency of 200 - 500KHz. Can someone help me out and provide me any oscillator that generates a wave in that particular range.
Please do help me out..
A colpits oscillator will work from low frequencies to very high frequencies, 200 to 500khz should be no problem.
If your colpits circuit will not provide the frequency you expect, you have either:
1 used components of the wrong value
2 wired it up incorrectly
3 measured the frequency incorrectly
Well i have chacked the circut again and again but i didnt found any mistake. I will work it out again. Actually is worked in software but a student told me that it will not work practically becoz he tried that as well and it dint worked with different components.
Can u plz provide me any other oscillator circuit that will work properly.
because we are bound to use MC1496 for AM modulation and i have got a Phase shift Oscillator and will try it tody lets see wt happens if it din't work then i will provide u my ckt for sure.