steve dove
New Member
i have used scopes with lifted ground point for many years,never blown one up But the factor
of the power tx potential being increased,has got me considering matters,and of course it is
quite clear the method i,and many others have used over the years,is not acceptable in the real
world,i worked with engineers,as young trainee in the tv video business,and they had the ground
disconnected,was a lot of switched mode work,so going in grounded,well it would of been fireworks.
i would think buying a TOP quality differential probe is how to go about it,i have just lost a tx winding
in a very good quality four channel Hitachi scope,and reading what has been put out,by some very
knowledgeable types,am even after all the years doing this electronics lark i have,is time i took on board
some of what is said,i deffo wont ground again,certainly not with the nice replacement tek scope i have
just aquired,a lot of scopes are available on ebay etc,and it does encourage the dabblers to have a go,its up
to us that have been down the road,and very likely back again,to advise these very likely enthusiastic would
be DIY fixers,and help them avoid killing themselves,thats the bottom line because we all know its what can
result,i use mine mostly for audio work valve/transistor/mosfet etc,very rarely switch mode these days.
there are a lot of varying opinions of how to/how not,would be nice if one of the very clued up fella's could lay
it down clear as day,a lot of what is i am sure confuses,plain simple and to the point,what we do is not for
the uninitiated,i am no expert on everything these great pieces of test gear are capable,it does all i need,but
still i learn. S
of the power tx potential being increased,has got me considering matters,and of course it is
quite clear the method i,and many others have used over the years,is not acceptable in the real
world,i worked with engineers,as young trainee in the tv video business,and they had the ground
disconnected,was a lot of switched mode work,so going in grounded,well it would of been fireworks.
i would think buying a TOP quality differential probe is how to go about it,i have just lost a tx winding
in a very good quality four channel Hitachi scope,and reading what has been put out,by some very
knowledgeable types,am even after all the years doing this electronics lark i have,is time i took on board
some of what is said,i deffo wont ground again,certainly not with the nice replacement tek scope i have
just aquired,a lot of scopes are available on ebay etc,and it does encourage the dabblers to have a go,its up
to us that have been down the road,and very likely back again,to advise these very likely enthusiastic would
be DIY fixers,and help them avoid killing themselves,thats the bottom line because we all know its what can
result,i use mine mostly for audio work valve/transistor/mosfet etc,very rarely switch mode these days.
there are a lot of varying opinions of how to/how not,would be nice if one of the very clued up fella's could lay
it down clear as day,a lot of what is i am sure confuses,plain simple and to the point,what we do is not for
the uninitiated,i am no expert on everything these great pieces of test gear are capable,it does all i need,but
still i learn. S
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