parallel progammer questions!

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New Member
using the parallel programmer schematic found in this forum, i buit the regulation part of it only -yet-.. but i used the 7805C instead of 78L05, is this wrong?
i also didnt connect the capacitors, is this also a big mistake?

i only get 1.5V out of the 5V regualtor!!! eventhough i used about 20V DC voltage as input!!

what is going on???
sonaiko said:
using the parallel programmer schematic found in this forum, i buit the regulation part of it only -yet-.. but i used the 7805C instead of 78L05, is this wrong?
i also didnt connect the capacitors, is this also a big mistake?

Yes it'a a big mistake! - the capacitors are essential, they prevent the device oscillating. There's no problem replacing a 78L05 (100mA max) with a 7805 (1A max), just make sure you connect it the correct way round.

Your problem could be either you fitted it the wrong way, or it's oscillating because you left the capacitors out.
sorry to ask this stupid question but i really couldnt recognise the input for the regulator 7805C!!!
while holding it with the writing facing me, the ground in the middle, and i think the input is to the left???

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