Part substitute for Transistor 2N3565

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New Member
Hi, I need to replace the transistor (2N3565) with another one, as I cannot get that transistor, with my limited suppliers. Sounds stupid doesnt it!
Please tell me what other transistors will do the same/better job than this one, and any suggestions, modifications for the circuit. The circuit is used to measure changes in skin resistance.


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Use a 2N3904 or PN3904. You can probably find them growing on trees in your back yard.
Seriously, most small-signal NPNs will work here. The 2N3565 has higher beta (current gain) than most, but the 2N3904 should work well. The rheostat in the collector circuit establishes the sensitivity. Higher resistance raises the sensitivity. Lower values of R3 and R1 will raise the sensitivity.
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