PCB question

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New Member
I am thinking of ordering PCB:s from

In the options on that site about the PCB you can choose between:

What is prototype boards? The explanation says:
"Prototype boards are single sided only, without silk-screening and solder mask. "

The only thing that differs from prototype and singlesided is silk-screening and solder mask, right? But what is that?

Do you know any other good firms that makes PCB:s for you sheep?
Silk screening puts the component identification on the board (it is like printing). The solder mask is an insulation that covers everything except the solder pads.
Okay, but what is the difference between prototype board and singlesided board(with no silk print och solder mask)?

The price differs $5
Don't know, perhaps the prototype does not have plated thru holes? You will have to ask the mfr.
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