because I get the IC's at a price of 15 cents/each on a small reel.
there are many reasons.
one is, you design a display PCB, and just plug it into various prototypes, as needed.
there is only one standard serial protocol, no charlieplex.
you could even use a 12f509 or 16f54, just for a flashlight.
in my belief, using these IC's via bulk supply is the best, cheapest way of driving small displays and matrix.
the software interface is straightforward, and the physical plug can be made as small as 5-pin, even the carrier PCB can recognize different displays just using a few extra pins.
then the prototype testing is finished, and?
do you bury LEDs, and displays on the PCB?
you can just remove the display PCB, and use it for a new prototype.
you could ask in a similar way, why do you try to save $2, and use a 8x2 LCD,
when these $2 are absolutely not essential?
**broken link removed**
sure this is not the only way to cut costs, also new OLED's are considerably low price, and have pixel-graphics.
yet for the numerous flashlight variations as required, I'd even suggest a 18F PIC, so it is not required to wrestle with program memory space.
but not a 12f509, which could be used just for one or two patterns.
one person may do it this way, another person that way.