photo-logic sensors

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New Member
Hey guys,
I ordered a few different photo logic type transistor sensors. Anybody worked with these before? I've been trying to figure out what the output will look like while I wait for them to arrive.

One of the sensors data sheets says it has a medium wide reception angle of 50 degrees. Do these photo-logic sensors have any kind of relationship to detection angle like the photo sensors with linear outputs, or are they only on/off type sensors?
anybody know?
My read is they have a logic level output (1 or 0) depending on the model number. They come in several flavors for example logic out high with light or low with light. Also open collector and internal pull up versions.

Which lends them well for their suggested applications:

• Non-contact reflective
object sensor
• Assembly line automation
• Machine automation
• Machine safety
• End of travel sensor
• Door sensor

My read again is they are On / Off sensors.

<EDIT> and that KISS guy is quick. </EDIT>

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