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ArtemisGoldfish said:I meeean...In general, BASIC was not a fun experience, not that there was any choice...
Ever thought it might be now?
Also, BASIC is BASIC on a PC, on a PIC (micro without all the extras, display. printer, etc.) it is a high level coding system. You still have to set registers and bits/flags. Or your code will not run. Ever do ANSSEL on the TRS-80 M100? CMCON=7?
BASIC on a uC is not BASIC on a DOS PC or Windows PC. Or Radio Shack old PC.
It is a high level programming language, that simple (like C). You can not call it BASIC and expect PRINT "HELLO WORLD" to work. Not with a stock PIC chip. And printf in C will not either (but it will on an IBM PC).
If you want to do something fast (and are not familer with the C syntax) BASIC is the way to go. If you want to really learn, assembler is the way to go.
If you know both BASIC and assembler (for me) it is MikroBASIC and MPLABS. Depends on the project I am doing.
Because I like BASIC it does not mean I do not use assembler. Just smart when I am using/need assembler and I do not.