PIC countdown timer

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Active Member
Hey guys,

Here's a project I made using a pic16f882, the source code and video is available on my website:
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Basically, its a 0-99 minute countdown timer
I will eventually put up a schematic but for now the source code is available! Let me know what you think! Thanks

P.s. the website is under construction
Nice project, your website is clean and not too "busy". One suggestion though, that first graphic on your "homepage" is being scaled from 3072px × 2304px to 350px × 280px. This is causing a painfully slow download, the file is 3,194,069 bytes and should be less than 1/10th that size.
I'm not too sure how to fix that but I was aware! I wish I could have it sized down to that size, then when you click it, it just opens that picture in a new window or something. Do you know how to do that by chance
Don't you just download it,resize it and ftp it back?

Nice site but some of you links are messed up. On the projects page the clock link takes me to the tutorial page.

Yup Pommie has it right. You can use m$paint to resize. Load it then click on "Image" then attributes. then use whatever mechanism you had already used to push the image back up to your site.

Edit: to answer your question about opening a window you can use javascript's new.window method. google for that. One thing to be aware is that many people block pop-ups and I personally despise people who do this (yes, sometimes it is necessary).
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Noooo, never MSPaint, it is a jpg, Paint will make it huge. You need to resize it in Photoshop or something. In fact, here it is, all 32k.

But, really you need to retake the picture using macro mode.



  • Clock.jpg
    32.1 KB · Views: 393
Alright thanks for the advice
Just wondering if the was any special HTML way to do it though
The brute force way will be enough for me.

P.s. The broken links will be fixed as I go along and actually make those pages
Noooo, never MSPaint, it is a jpg, Paint will make it huge. You need to resize it in Photoshop or something. In fact, here it is, all 32k.


I wasn't sure what he had installed as far as image processing programs, mspaint is installed by default. Personally I use gimp on Linux and fireworks on winblows.

Actually paint won't make it huge as long as you don't save it as a bmp. Not sure what version you are using but if memory serves correct, the older ones couldn't write jpg.
There's a utility called Image Resizer in the Windows XP PowerToys.

Once installed you can right-click on an image file and it gives a 'Resize Picture' option that makes resizing images files very quick and simple.

Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP

There is a similar one for Windows 7.

Adobe Fireworks looks good but I was wondering if you know of any similar "free" programs for XP?

TIA. Happy Holidays. Mike
Looks like there is a gimp for windows.

GIMP - for Windows

Never used it on XP but I've been pretty happy with it so far on linux... your mileage may vary.

Merry Christmas.
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Adobe Fireworks looks good but I was wondering if you know of any similar "free" programs for XP?

Check your CDs. The chances are if you have bought any camera or scanner in the last few yeas the CD that came with it would have had a suite of free photo editing software.

Birdman- Nice work! You seem to be getting much faster knocking these projects out with each new project.

Maybe you could connect your TalkBot to your countdown timer, so when it gets to zero it gives a talking alert!
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Check your CDs. The chances are if you have bought any camera or scanner in the last few yeas the CD that came with it would have had a suite of free photo editing software.
Thanks, I'll check it out (it's my wifes camera)...
Just get google picasa 3 It's free and you can make your pic smaller and still look good.
Adobe Fireworks looks good but I was wondering if you know of any similar "free" programs for XP?

TIA. Happy Holidays. Mike

Gimp works great on xp

This is with picasa 3
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Too bad I was one step ahead of you Video will be posted tomorrow, what other documentation would you like?
Documentation for the TalkBot? Well a picture or vid of it working is excellent, and just a couple of sentences saying what it does you don't have to go to any great amount of effort or anything.

If you did want to go one step further it would be nice if you could make available any resources you used like the sound library file (and/or the .WAV file) or any source code you are happy to release as open source for other people to use if they wanted to make a project like yours.
Well, I don't think the sound files etc. are neccessary, people can use whatever they want I did however post the source code I didn't write much about it yet but I will after the 25th

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