hi Nigel,
A little extra info on the HC12 transceivers that others may find useful.
Using a HC12 with the supplied spiral wire antenna,
RS232 settings: 9600 baud, N81
The HC12 has the recommended 1N4001 diode from the +5V supply to HC12, giving 4.3v at Vin.
Transmitting temperature and humidity from a DHT22 sensor at one second rate.
Transmitter located indoors and the Receiver located in a garden shed.
So the TX signal has to pass thru 3 brick walls, 10 metres of free space and the shed.
Started with AT+Px = 8 , [20dBm], good strong signal at the RX
Stepping down the Px value in increments from 8 to 3
At Px=3 [5dBm] the RX, the signal would be sometimes be missed, depending upon movement of the RX PCB.
BTW: hope you don't mind me adding this to your Thread.