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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

pic programming help

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it worked very very well :D :D
the program is a lot smaller now. lol
only three lines are needed ?
this is very cool.. 8) 8)
oh , yes i am outputting the code from the switch.. :wink:
williB said:
it worked very very well :D :D
the program is a lot smaller now. lol
only three lines are needed ?
this is very cool.. 8) 8)
oh , yes i am outputting the code from the switch.. :wink:

Sometimes life can be nice and simple :lol:
well i coppied your stepper board Nigel,
after four hours all i have is a vibrating stepper motor. :(
lol i'm using a stepper made by Minebea Co., Ltd type 23KM-K379-G1
i am using the four flip flops from the programmer to drive four IFR-510 N channel mosfets set up like you have it & the diodes of course.
i havnt figured wether i should turn off one line before turning on the next
* sigh*
williB said:
well i coppied your stepper board Nigel,
after four hours all i have is a vibrating stepper motor. :(
lol i'm using a stepper made by Minebea Co., Ltd type 23KM-K379-G1
i am using the four flip flops from the programmer to drive four IFR-510 N channel mosfets set up like you have it & the diodes of course.
i havnt figured wether i should turn off one line before turning on the next
* sigh*

You need to turn them on in the correct sequence, 1, 2, 3, 4 for full step mode - only one should ever be on at a time (for full step mode).
Got it going .. :D
the transistors were not turning on all the way so i used a 74HCT04 and a varible power supply to boost the voltage to 6 Volts..It works so good that i can hardly keep it from turning .. perfect for a robot..
so i guess this is my next project. i have allways wanted to build a robot.
Pic controlled of course. :D :D :D
Nigel or anyone ...what is $ +2 in this code ??
this is from the second LED flashing program..

Delay	movlw	d'250'			;delay 250 ms (4 MHz clock)
	movwf	count1
d1	movlw	0xC7
	movwf	counta
	movlw	0x01
	movwf	countb
	decfsz	counta, f
	goto	$+2
	decfsz	countb, f
	goto	Delay_0

	decfsz	count1	,f
	goto	d1
	retlw	0x00

Nigel ,the veroboard you use .. i am not familiar with it..

what do you mean when you say cut the tracks..?
are the connections running vertically down the board ..??

Oh nice to see the new chips supported..
i hope to see an analog data aquisition system up soon...kidding...
williB said:
Nigel ,the veroboard you use .. i am not familiar with it..

what do you mean when you say cut the tracks..?
are the connections running vertically down the board ..??

Yes, the tracks are running vertically in that picture, Veroboard is a trade name (presumably the original inventor of the board?), it's also known as stripboard. You cut the tracks with a special tool called a 'spot face cutter', or you can use a small drill in your fingers :lol:
help wanted

hello guys..after a long time without any post...i am back again..hehehe

i need a very simple asm code for the below:
when porta ..RA0,RA1,RA2 AND RA3 gets an 4bit binary value it should save on an variable(any variable) and it will call to a data tabe and the value should go to portb.
Example: when porta gets 0x03h it call datatable after saving it on an variable and port be shoud get out put as..b'00000100'
when porta gets 0x05h portbshould get as ..b'00010000'
like this it goes can any one help me..
i need an very simple code..
Re: help wanted

techknow said:
hello guys..after a long time without any post...i am back again..hehehe

i need a very simple asm code for the below:
when porta ..RA0,RA1,RA2 AND RA3 gets an 4bit binary value it should save on an variable(any variable) and it will call to a data tabe and the value should go to portb.
Example: when porta gets 0x03h it call datatable after saving it on an variable and port be shoud get out put as..b'00000100'
when porta gets 0x05h portbshould get as ..b'00010000'
like this it goes can any one help me..
i need an very simple code..

This is an extremely simple task!, you should be able to write it yourself, just a port read, a lookup table, and a port write. The lookup table needs to be 16 words long, and I would recommend using ANDLW b'00001111' after the port read to make sure the index value is no larger than 15.

   	bsf 	STATUS,RP0	
   	movlw 	b'00000000'		
   	movwf 	LEDTRIS
	movlw	b'00001111'
	movwf	trisa
	bcf	STATUS,RP0	
	clrf	LEDPORT			

	movwf	porta
	movf	porta, f
	movwf	count
	movf	count, w		
	call	Table	
	movwf	LEDPORT
	clrf	count			
	goto	Start			

Table	ADDWF   PCL, f			
	retlw	b'00000000'
        retlw   b'00000001'
        retlw   b'00000010'
        retlw   b'00000011'
        retlw   b'00000100'
        retlw   b'00000101'
        retlw   b'00000110'
        retlw   b'00000111'
        retlw   b'00001000'
        retlw   b'00001001'
        retlw   b'00001010'
        retlw   b'00001011'
        retlw   b'00001100'
        retlw   b'00001101'


here the code i am using is this will work
Re: helpppp

techknow said:
   	bsf 	STATUS,RP0	
   	movlw 	b'00000000'		
   	movwf 	LEDTRIS
	movlw	b'00001111'
	movwf	trisa
	bcf	STATUS,RP0	
	clrf	LEDPORT			

	movf	porta, w ;changed		
	call	Table	
	movwf	LEDPORT			
	goto	Start			

Table ANDLW b'00001111' ;added - ESSENTIAL!	
        ADDWF   PCL, f			
        retlw	  b'00000000'
        retlw   b'00000001'
        retlw   b'00000010'
        retlw   b'00000011'
        retlw   b'00000100'
        retlw   b'00000101'
        retlw   b'00000110'
        retlw   b'00000111'
        retlw   b'00001000'
        retlw   b'00001001'
        retlw   b'00001010'
        retlw   b'00001011'
        retlw   b'00001100'
        retlw   b'00001101'


here the code i am using is this will work

I would suggest modifying it as I have in your listing.

You don't need to move W to a register, unless you want to use it elsewhere (which you obviously didn't, as you cleared it).
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