Dim i As Word 'to declare i as word not byte because Byte is just only around 256
i = 1000 'make i to 1000
WaitMs 1000 '1000 ms delay
For i = 1 To 1000 Step 1 'from 1 to 1000 , +1 every Step
Serout PORTB.7, 9600, "Number: ", #i, CrLf 'set and use portb.7 to send data and set baud rate to 9600
WaitMs 500 'delay 500 ms
Next i 'step again
'this section of the code is incomplete.??[/COLOR]
Serin PORTB.6, 9600, i 'things that will be displayed at uart window
Serout PORTB.7, 9600, "Number: ", #i, CrLf