PIC Simulator

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it should be " Frequency "

sorry for bad writing
hi TT,
First try this program for an LCD, using a 16F628A in Oshonsoft simulation.

When you get that working in simulation you could try to modify the code for a 7seg display.
While the program is running, use the TOOLS/signal generator on PORTB.6

Let me know...


  • AAesp02.gif
    13.7 KB · Views: 430
  • FreqOnly1.bas
    3.8 KB · Views: 442
hi TT,
Try this 4 LED mux, assembler 16F627A PIC in Oshonsoft.


  • AAesp03.gif
    14.3 KB · Views: 423
  • LEDmux1.asm
    6.7 KB · Views: 380
it seems it is too hard to modify it to 7seg

because i want to use 2 7seg and it will need multiplexing

OR i can use 14 port for driving it ?
it seems it is too hard to modify it to 7seg

because i want to use 2 7seg and it will need multiplexing

OR i can use 14 port for driving it ?
Have you tried the LED program in post #152...?
That will give you some insight on how to multiplex drive LED's.
since i starting using multiplexing

i make a counter for the first step

here is the result

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hi TT,
Very neat, you are learning very quickly.

Did you use Oshonsoft to debug the program.??

Whats next.???
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