hi S,
Ref the 'Power Board', I guess the regulators are 78L05.??
I would suggest that you add some decoupling caps close to the Inps and Oups of the regs, say 10uF.
Also add an LED indicator on the +9V input rail
There is nothing fancy about the layout, just an attempt to be practical ! I've attached a couple of pics of the back of two boards to placate your curiosity .. .. .
No, the other way about .. ... it isn't a 'cutter' just a titanium drill that goes in my Dremel .. .. but I broke the Dremel and I haven't repaired it yet.
Edit: I've just twigged .. .. are you alluding to there being cuts missing ? There may well be ... there are several of those winpic boards that need 'cuts' .. .. waiting for Dremel repair and a couple of spare hours !
Just out of curiosity. Would the Main boards permit the use of a ICSP header? Thinking of building a set myself but would like to avoid swapping PIC chips in and out.
yeah the soldering passes with flying colours! search the forum there are loads of nice looking pcb's on the front, and the back is a massacre with the soldering iron lmao.
I like tidy boards they are much easier to work with, I dont like loose connecting wires or wires crossing all over each other.
I think it can be done, but at the expense of I/O pins used for something else ... .. .. .I'm sure I read that in one of the guidance sheets, although I've just had a quick 'squint' and I couldn't see it. You're best to ask an Oracle or if you can't find one, ask NG
I usually put a ICP connector on the boards I build, some of the Picmicro APP schematics show a double function with the ICSPDAT and another function.
Also it is easy to make it so with a jumper if necessary.
I'm sure you're right .. .. unfortunately I'm a complete novice and need to follow the instructions on the 'box' until I know better. Most of those acronyms are not within my understanding .. ..
I think all of the pins in Nigel's tutorials are out to terminals so putting an ICSP socket on wouldn't upset anything!!! However! It's no biggy taking the chip off to program..... The only upset here is, the pins get weaker and weaker each time it is removed and replaced then you spend more time straightening the pins....
I would make a cable that could connect to RB6, RB7 MCLR and power then connect it to the terminals when needed...
On the Main Board Tutorial sheet NG says .. .. .. .
'The PIC is capable of being programmed in circuit,
but it adds circuit complications and uses up I/O pins, so I haven't
implemented that'
.. .. .. .. . hence my response above, I mean, who am I to argue !!
Ref the IC pin damage caused by removing and replacing the chips for programming .. .. I bought a small collection of appropriate IC's and soldered then to turned pin sockets which are much tougher and take the rough handling a bit better.