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PIC Tutorials - Going Equipped

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Was toying with the idea of a Zero Inserion Force (ZIF) socket. But think bringing the appropriate pins out to a header would be the best, unless convinced otherwise.
Veroboard is not that common on this side of the pond. It can be purchased but not a lot of choices. Last time looked into it there was 2 or 3 distributors. 2 in USA and 1 in Canada. With that in mind was thinking of etching the boards.
Hi Musicmanager

Generous offer. Let me check my options. Heading out the door to work. Will look into it when I get a few minutes.

Morning Ian

On the Main Board Tutorial sheet NG says .. .. .. .

'The PIC is capable of being programmed in circuit,
but it adds circuit complications and uses up I/O pins, so I haven't
implemented that'

.. .. .. .. . hence my response above, I mean, who am I to argue !! :)

If you want an ISCP version, here's one I use with the 16F1827 (or any 18 pin device), powered from the PICKit3 as well, so no regulator on board.


Thanks for that, looks useful .. .. ..actually though I'm quite happy with what I've got .. .. I put some ZIF sockets on the 3 Mainboards and soldered a set of ICs into turned pin sockets .. .. safe as houses ! I responded to questions from other members and lacking the personal knowledge, relied on a quote from your tutorial document.

I used ZIF sockets on early boards now I use normal socket an add a 6 terminal ICP telephone socket with these jumpers on the two PGM lines if needed.

**broken link removed**

Hi Max

Good idea.

Any chance you could show a sample for the members?
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I have used the strap as Max posted, however keep in mind the normal 3 PIC pins ( data, clock, reset ) need possibly two positions, so 3 pin headers each. Vdd and Vss can be hard wired to ICSP pins .
Hi Guys

I must be missing something here, or maybe I'm just niaive .. ..

The purpose of these boards is to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the ability to program an IC to carry out a specific function .. ie flash LED's in a sequence or drive a stepper by sequenced pulses in the right order .. .. .. once achieved, the purpose of the boards is over.. isn't it ? They are a means to an end and once that end is achieved they have no means at all !

I can't see the point in making provision for long term repeat program changes which simply are not going to happen .. .. .. .

I wouldn't say the purpose of the boards is over. I am still using the same breadboard that I used to flash my first LED years ago. Your workmanship is beautiful, but do consider incorporating ICSP.* It is really only two additional pins. And not even that, if you are only slightly brave. MCLR can be isolated by a simple resistor. Some people add a diode. Data and Clk are a little more sensitive, but resistors work for them too, as do jumpers.


*I used to use various ZIP devices, including 3M's TexTool burn-in sockets ( ). A couple of years ago, I just went to ICSP without bothering to remove the chip each time I re-programmed it.
Hi Guys

I must be missing something here, or maybe I'm just niaive .. ..

The purpose of these boards is to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the ability to program an IC to carry out a specific function .. ie flash LED's in a sequence or drive a stepper by sequenced pulses in the right order .. .. .. once achieved, the purpose of the boards is over.. isn't it ? They are a means to an end and once that end is achieved they have no means at all !

I can't see the point in making provision for long term repeat program changes which simply are not going to happen .. .. .. .

No! You are not missing anything!! All are entitled to their "4 penneth" so to speak!
The purpose of these boards is to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the ability to program an IC to carry out a specific function .. ie flash LED's in a sequence or drive a stepper by sequenced pulses in the right order .. .. .. once achieved, the purpose of the boards is over.. isn't it ? They are a means to an end and once that end is achieved they have no means at all !

I can't see the point in making provision for long term repeat program changes which simply are not going to happen .. .. .. .

For most of the boards that's true, they are a 'one off' hardware solution - but the processor boards are obviously programmed over and over again.

To further explain why I didn't include ICSP on the boards, there were a number of reasons for that:

1) I wanted the boards to be as simple and basic as possible, so they were easy for people to make.

2) At the time most hobbiest programmers were home made, and didn't really provide ICSP.

3) The official MicroChip programmers were really very expensive back then, so not an option for most people.

This has obviously changed now, with the cheap PICKit2/3 programmers 'killing' off the third party hobbiest programmers.

'Back in the day' my technique was to fit my target PIC's in turned pin sockets, and in turn plug that in to a conventional socket on the target board, or in a ZIF socket on my programmer. I'm a bit bemused why Musicmanager has soldered the PIC's in his turned pin sockets?, the idea is that if you break a pin off the turned pin soicket you unplug the PIC and fit it in a new socket :D

Incidentally, over a number of decades, and thousands of programming cycles, I've NEVER broken a pin off on of the turned pin sockets (or damaged a PIC in any way - burning a fingerprint in the top of one, doesn't count :p).
Morning .. .. .. ..

My 4 penneth !!! ....

I think you've answered your own bemusement .. .. .

I'm a bit bemused why Musicmanager has soldered the PIC's in his turned pin sockets?, the idea is that if you break a pin off the turned pin soicket you unplug the PIC and fit it in a new socket

over a number of decades, and thousands of programming cycles, I've NEVER broken a pin off on of the turned pin sockets
But I'm careful

No, I'm Protestant !

Since it initially was your suggestion to use turned pin sockets to protect the pins of the chip from wear & tear, I think we agree on that bit .. .. ?

I have soldered opposite corners of chip to socket to prevent chip coming out of socket, for the same reason .. .. if the chip fails .. then both chip and socket are consigned to the bin .. .. .. I think that is also being careful .. ... I suspect you are probably going to say OVER careful, but when you're as hamfisted as I am there is no such thing !

There just seems no reason to do it?, as it offers no advantage.

I refer the honourable member to the answer I gave a few moments ago :)

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