I will use the same chip for various projects. The CD tray was just one paradigm. The up down motorized -string movement has no position switches. Or the case of two led's that show for 15'' the North and East coordinates of the box.
If tristate is power consuming then it will of course be ripped off.
Tristate neither consumes nor saves power, although depending on exactly what you're connecting to it 'could' do either.
If you're hoping to open/close a mech with any degree of accuracy, then you NEED position sensors of some kind, the easiest of which are limit switches.
On simple timed delays you're likely to end up with 'closed' somewhere between closed and open 25%, and 'open' somewhere between open 75% and fully open - it will also vary considerably depending on the conditions at the time.
One extra point, as you're planning using these chips for various projects, buy some 12F508 FLASH versions, and use those for experimenting - otherwise your 98 chips won't last long. If you're really dedicated you could get a UV erasable 12C508, if they still make them? (I have one).