PIC12F675 Timer

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Hi All,

I"m trying to use a timer on the PIC12F675(I"m a noob trying to learn how to effectively use them to measure time) I"ve been able to get it so my TMRO is counting but I can't figure out what it's counting to. I simulate it in MPLAB IDE and with a 4MHZ clock I"m getting 1uS per instruction which doesn't make sense to me. Anyone can help??? Here is my code.

#include <htc.h>


void main()

//TMR0 = 0;
for(; { //Keep it on forever

CMCON = 0x07; // Digital I/O
ANSEL = 0; // Digital I/O
TRISIO = 0x00000000; // Set Pin I/O
STATUS = 0x00;
OPTION = 0; //Enableing TMR0

TMR0 = 0;

GPIO = 1;
GPIO1 = 1;
GPIO2 = 1;
GPIO4 = 1;
GPIO5 = 1;


GPIO = 0;
GPIO1 = 0;
GPIO2 = 0;
GPIO4 = 0;
GPIO5 = 0;

// _delay(500000);

The PIC divides the 4mHz clock by 4 for internal use, so its 1uSec...
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