PIC16F628 phone dialer

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I found this today from a Gadget Freak link.
Do-it-yourself phone dialer security system calls your cell phone, office etc.
whenever a door or window is opened, or panic button is pressed. Great Home Alarm.
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You could upgrade it to DTMF (touch tone) with the free demo version of PICBASIC Pro, only 40lines of code in the free version but you should be able to make a simple alarm & dialer if you're careful.
From the PICBASIC Pro manual
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ClydeCrashKop said:
I found this today from a Gadget Freak link.
Do-it-yourself phone dialer security system calls your cell phone, office etc.
whenever a door or window is opened, or panic button is pressed. Great Home Alarm.
**broken link removed**

Hi I haven't done this pulse dialing most i was used to tone dialing.

I have a problem The author says
Circuit Operation:

In operation, the switch closure is detected on pin 7 of the processor
which activates the reed relay and takes the line off-hook for 3 seconds
to establish the dial tone. The processor then dials the number by opening
and closing the relay a number of times for each digit. [COLOR="Red"]When dialing is
complete, the processor waits 3 seconds and then transmits a steady tone
of about 300Hz for 30 seconds through the modem transformer.[/COLOR] The call is
then terminated and the processor waits for the switch to open before resetting.

Does anybody knows whats the purpose of this steady tone of 300Hz after pulse dialing?
Gayan Soyza said:
Does anybody knows whats the purpose of this steady tone of 300Hz after pulse dialing?

So, the person receiving the call doesn't think it's a random call. Ideally, it would send out a recorded message but 300Hz is a lot easier to implement.

I can only assume that it's there to give the receiver an audio warning. Some phones do not have "Caller Identify enable" on, so when you receive a call you don't know who it's from. Pointless if your alarm phones you and you don't know who called you
Pommie said:
So, the person receiving the call doesn't think it's a random call. Ideally, it would send out a recorded message but 300Hz is a lot easier to implement.


Understood.So the person receiving the call hears that Signal 300Hz.If no signal transmitted withing the 30 second mark no any signal hears.

How stupid am I

Thanks Brother.
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Understood.So the person receiving the call hears that Signal 300Hz.If no signal transmitted withing the 30 second mark no any signal hears.

How stupid am I

Thanks Brother.

Afterall, the devices calls a cellular number as per the author. the cellphone would show where is this call from.
we can also use the signal with a small mod- instead of tone, keep the port bit high for 30 sec and it could enable a prerecorded voice chip can send a voice message.

In fact I am trying to extend this further that it would call another number after a 2 minute gap and send another message different from first using a different bit.

you mean to generate dual tone frequencies with a single PIC controller!

Interesting rather. I was thinking unless a dtmf sender like a 91215 telelphone dialer or a DSP needs to be employed.
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