;7 segment LED display - count up from zero
LIST p=16F877a ;tell assembler what chip we are using
include "P16F877a.inc" ;include the defaults for the chip
__config h'3f73'
cblock 0x20 ;start of general purpose registers
count ;used in looping routines
count1 ;used in delay routine
counta ;used in delay routine
countb ;used in delay routine
tmp1 ;temporary storage
p_temp ;save register
s_temp ;save register
w_temp ;save register
tens ;tens storage
ones ;ones storage
SEG_PORT Equ PORTB ;7 segment port
org 0x0000
goto Initialise
; Interrupt routine
; Interrupt routine handles TMR2 which generates a 1ms tick
; Interrupt vector
ORG 0x0004
movwf w_temp ; Save W register
swapf STATUS,W ; Swap status to be saved into W
movwf s_temp ; Save STATUS register
movfw PCLATH
movwf p_temp ; Save PCLATH
btfss PIR1,TMR2IF ; Flag set if TMR2 interrupt
goto INTX ; Jump if not timed out
;common cathode set up ,use whats below
; Timer (TMR2) timeout every 1 milli second
bcf PIR1,TMR2IF ; Clear the calling flag
btfss SEG_PORT, 7 ;check which LED was last
goto Do_tens
movfw ones
andlw 0x0F ;make sure in range of table
call LED_Table
andlw 0x7F ;set to correct LED
movwf SEG_PORT
goto INTX
Do_tens movfw tens
andlw 0x0F ;make sure in range of table
call LED_Table
iorlw 0x80 ;set to correct LED
movwf SEG_PORT
; Timer (TMR2) timeout every 1 milli second
;This is so that common anode LED. As segment to be ON is at logic "0".
;; bcf PIR1,TMR2IF ; Clear the calling flag
;; btfss SEG_PORT,7 ;check which LED was last
;; goto Do_tens
;; movfw ones
;; andlw 0x0F ;make sure in range of table
;; call LED_Table
;; andlw 0x7F ;set to correct LED
;; movwf SEG_PORT
;; goto INTX
;;Do_tens movfw tens
;; andlw 0x0F ;make sure in range of table
;; call LED_Table
;; XORLW 0x7F ;ADD INSTRUCTION also here
;; iorlw 0x80 ;set to correct LED
;; movwf SEG_PORT
movfw p_temp
movwf PCLATH ; Restore PCLATH
swapf s_temp,W
movwf STATUS ; Restore STATUS register - restores bank
swapf w_temp,F
swapf w_temp,W ; Restore W register
; retlw b'10001000' ;0
; retlw b'10111011' ;1
; retlw b'11000001' ;2
; retlw b'10010001' ;3
; retlw b'10110010' ;4
; retlw b'10010100' ;5
; retlw b'10000100' ;6
; retlw b'10111001' ;7
; retlw b'10000000' ;8
; retlw b'10110000' ;9
; retlw b'11111111' ;blank
; retlw b'11111111' ;blank
; retlw b'11111111' ;blank
; retlw b'11111111' ;blank
; retlw b'11111111' ;blank
; retlw b'11111111' ;blank
;use this
retlw b'00111111' ;0
retlw b'00000110' ;1
retlw b'01011011' ;2
retlw b'01001111' ;3
retlw b'01100110' ;4
retlw b'01101101' ;5
retlw b'01111100' ;6
retlw b'00001111' ;7
retlw b'00111111' ;8
retlw b'01100111' ;9
retlw b'11111111' ;blank
retlw b'11111111' ;blank
retlw b'11111111' ;blank
retlw b'11111111' ;blank
retlw b'11111111' ;blank
retlw b'11111111' ;blank
Initialise movlw 0x07
movwf CMCON ;turn comparators off (make it like a 16F84)
bsf STATUS, RP0 ;select bank 1
movlw b'00000000' ;Set port data directions, data output
movwf SEG_TRIS
bcf STATUS, RP0 ;select bank 0
; Set up Timer 2.
;movlw b'01111110' ; Post scale /16, pre scale /16, TMR2 ON
;uncomment previous line, and comment next line, to slow multiplexing speed
;so you can see the multiplexing happening
movlw b'00010100' ; Post scale /4, pre scale /16, TMR2 ON
movwf T2CON
bsf STATUS, RP0 ;select bank 1
movlw .249 ; Set up comparator
movwf PR2
bsf PIE1,TMR2IE ; Enable TMR2 interrupt
bcf STATUS, RP0 ;select bank 0
; Global interrupt enable
bsf INTCON,PEIE ; Enable all peripheral interrupts
bsf INTCON,GIE ; Global interrupt enable
bcf STATUS, RP0 ;select bank 0
clrf tens
clrf ones
call Delay255
call Delay255
call Delay255
call Delay255
incf ones, f
movf ones, w ;test first digit
sublw 0x0A
btfss STATUS, Z
goto Main
clrf ones
incf tens, f
movf tens, w ;test second digit
sublw 0x0A
btfss STATUS, Z
goto Main
clrf tens
goto Main ;loop for ever
Delay300 movlw 0x12c ;delay 300mS
goto d0
Delay255 movlw 0xff ;delay 255 mS
goto d0
Delay100 movlw d'100' ;delay 100mS
goto d0
Delay50 movlw d'50' ;delay 50mS
goto d0
Delay20 movlw d'20' ;delay 20mS
goto d0
Delay5 movlw 0x05 ;delay 5.000 ms (4 MHz clock)
d0 movwf count1
d1 movlw 0xC7 ;delay 1mS
movwf counta
movlw 0x01
movwf countb
decfsz counta, f
goto $+2
decfsz countb, f
goto Delay_0
decfsz count1 ,f
goto d1
retlw 0x00