PIC18F2620 input high voltage only 2V..?

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New Member
Refering to PIC18F2620 datasheet, section 26.3 on DC characteristics, it says that the input high voltage is only 2V for VDD between 4.5V and 5.5V.

BTW I am doing a project using PIC18F2620 and ENC28J60 and i was wondering, if the input high voltage is only 2V, then why would i still need additional CMOS chip to act as voltage level translator/shifter for ENC28J60's output pin SO, CLKOUT and INT. I mean, shouldn't the output voltage of 3.3V be sufficient to change the PIC pin from a LOW state to a HIGH state..?

Any thoughts..
You shouldn't have any problem if the signal is greater than the one stated in the datasheet. But why not running the whole board @3.3V?
MrNobody said:
I mean, shouldn't the output voltage of 3.3V be sufficient to change the PIC pin from a LOW state to a HIGH state..?

It depends on the pin. Some IOs are schmitt level inputs and others are TTL level. Some pins are TTL when in normal IO mode and are schmitt when in special function mode. ie: it'll work on PORTB which has TTL level inputs but may not work on PORTC which has schmitt inputs when configured for general purpose IO. Schmitt inputs trigger high at a max of 0.8Vdd or 4V when running with 5V supply.
I thought about that but i was afraid i might face some problems later when interface with other peripherals such as LCD display..

Oh yeah, those pins have schmitt level inputs.. Thanks for pointing that out..
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