PIC18F46 external oscillator input pins

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Hi, I've written a program that runs a reoccurring set of instructions
it is reliant on port c to drive a seven segment display however on the first cycle it works fine
subsequent cycles do not allow PIC18F bits 6 or 7 to light the segment

The data sheet says if timer 1 oscillator is enabled PORTC pins 6 and 7 will be set as inputs and the TRIS value will be ignored, but i have no timer 1 oscillator set, and that would not explain why it worked in the first cycle but not subsequent cycles. obscure i know, but i am completely out of ideas. i have no spare output pins to use
On PIC18F with 28pin devices, pins RC6 and RC7 are also used for the USART.

If your code turns the USART on, those two pins will no longer function as digital outputs.

Of course that's just a wild guess until you post all your code.
Thanks Mr RB, is been sorted. 3days of searching and it was a coding error.. tis the life we chose.
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