Hi, I've written a program that runs a reoccurring set of instructions
it is reliant on port c to drive a seven segment display however on the first cycle it works fine
subsequent cycles do not allow PIC18F bits 6 or 7 to light the segment
The data sheet says if timer 1 oscillator is enabled PORTC pins 6 and 7 will be set as inputs and the TRIS value will be ignored, but i have no timer 1 oscillator set, and that would not explain why it worked in the first cycle but not subsequent cycles. obscure i know, but i am completely out of ideas. i have no spare output pins to use
it is reliant on port c to drive a seven segment display however on the first cycle it works fine
subsequent cycles do not allow PIC18F bits 6 or 7 to light the segment
The data sheet says if timer 1 oscillator is enabled PORTC pins 6 and 7 will be set as inputs and the TRIS value will be ignored, but i have no timer 1 oscillator set, and that would not explain why it worked in the first cycle but not subsequent cycles. obscure i know, but i am completely out of ideas. i have no spare output pins to use