pinning of HP YIG-oscillator

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Who can help?
I have a 2-4.2 GHz HP YIG oscillator ( Type 1820-0156) and don't know how to hook it up. Supposedly it's out of a HP8699B sweep generator.
It looks about like this:

1 x (SMA) x 6
2 x x 7

3 x x 8
4 x x 9
5 x x 10

SMA denoues the SMA output connector.
x denotes soldering pins which I have numbered from 1-10 for easy reference.

Thanks for your help! :?:


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HP YIG oscillator


Last weekend I bought a secondhand HP YIG oscillator.
Looking for data I found your request but no usefull data.
So I tried to find out myself, it worked out well.
My YIG oscillator is a HP 5086-7067, it looks exactly like
yours and covers the same band.
In fact I think it is the same oscillator with a different
I will add the data I recovered, this may be very usefull
for you.
Lots of succes making your oscillator work,

Ed de Vries


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Reading over the reply I sent this morning I noticed a small error
in the drawing, + and - at both main coils are exchanged in the
coil drawing (bottom).
Connecting the coils this way the FM coil makes the frequency go
down instead of up when increasing the current.
Notes in the oscillator connections drawing (top) are right.

sorry for this blooper.
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