Plausible idea?

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New Member
My cat annoys the crap out of me in the early morning (5 am).

I want to make a "simple" device that will mist her with water when she crosses an IR beam. I just don't know how to do it!

I figure I'll need:

power supply (battery or a/c)
switch - to turn off when I wake up
IR beam and receive diodes
LED holders
water bottle

I'll have to find out V to IR leds
V to pump
resistor codes
Capacitor values

What do you think? How might I accomplish this? LOL
I'm a new, old, newbie...
Maybe the problem is that your cat gets hungry at about 5 AM...

What about a timer operated cat food opener or dispenser?
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Nah, cat is obsessed with me. LOL
Her dish is full and water too. She's just bored and wants someone to wake up.

Duffy, I'll check out that site. Thanks!
They had one on "Ask This Old House" last week like that, but it was solar powered.
Solar would be cool, but it's not too sunny these days, unless I wire up a 12V deep cycle marine battery
Yeah, not real practical for what you're doing, just thought it was totally bad-ass. Hide them around a paintball field or something.
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