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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

please help,lould music from naighbors.

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There is a procedure that is very effective in stopping a girlfriend from snoring, but a gentleman does not discuss such details in open forums.

What does being a gentleman have to do with a bunch of knucle-busting DIY'ers?
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I dont consider holding her mouth and nose shut until she starts to wakes up a bad thing.
Or smothering with a pillow. She would do the same for me!

As far as the RF interference I suspect you are going to get a load of FCC Nazis remarks now.

Just get used to the noise. Request some songs and what not! Or get other people involved that can side with you. Multiple complaints from multiple sources will get the authorities involved eventually.

If you live in such a remote area or simply do not have law enforcement in your area just go redneck hillbilly nuts on the retaliation!

If your one of those types that does not want to get the law involved because you are doing something illegal also and could be found out, then you will just have to live with their noise.
I would definitly register a complaint with the authorities. What they are doing it most likely illegal ( around here, it's called 'disturbing the peace' ) The last thing you want to do it be driven to something that is itself illegal. You'll be the one who will end up getting busted. Murphy vitrually gaurentees it.
talk to other neighbours, there may be some people who are as concerned as you, you could all unite and try to talk some sense into your noisy neighbours.

Also look into legal action, most 'civilised' countries have them..

Do the loud people own the property or do they rent? Sometimes the landlord can help.

The landlord might be especially helpful if the loud music accompanies something that would incur a liability such as underage drink or drugs. Naturally, if you wouldn't welcome similar scrutiny....

I had loud neighbors in my college dorm the first year and the professors took care of the problem in the first grading cycle. Some got quiet, and others departed.
Dear Lettdragon I had the same exact problem with an old lady that lives exactly above me in an apartment house. Okay doesn't play Rolling Stones but plays a grandpiano the half of the day and the other half she boost her f€£>#%^ing Tv watching all the soapoperas. Sometimes she moves her furnitures for endless time. many times I called her and kindly requested to low the noises and replied just yes and then she doing the same. Ones I called police and the policeman he did some recommendations but she continue to do the same thing. One day I remember I was preparing for the final exams ihad headache and I was in stress I was ready to follow her with an axe and kill her but I consider my wife and my 2 y o dauther so I did the best thing I ever done. In the middle of the night I "nail" a 5.1 sound system in the ceiling and I leave it playing hard metal rock all the night and me and my family we sleep in my parents apptm. the revenge was so sweet as effective. She never came to complain but she never also did something to disturb me since then. So my friend I suggest the same act to you, pay them with the same price. ;))))
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It is often possible to distort and interfere with nearby sound systems by beaming high levels of RF at their system. This requires some knowledge of how it all works to allow you to tune for best results. For example, the amount of power necessary may be on the order of 50 watts or more, the most effective frequency to be used must be found by experiment (but is often between 20 and 30 MHz due to the length of their speaker wires), the transmitting antenna should be as close to them as possible without being seen (ideally it would be directional, but this isn't practical in many cases), and the type of modulation is a matter of experiment as well. If the RF transmitter and antenna are set up secretly, and the type of modulation is carefully chosen, then the target neighbors will not know what is happening or where the interference is coming from.

The major problem with this idea is that while you are transmitting RF you will also be interfering with every other user of that frequency around the world and the likelihood of the radio police knocking on your door is greater than zero.

I recommend using 100 watts at 26.9 Mhz to start with, using single sideband (LSB is fine) modulation and driving the microphone input with music from the album "Barcarolle, Famous Opera Arias and Duets". Tune the frequency first as this will have the greatest effect in increasing or decreasing the amount of interference.
Of course that's illegal but if the country the OP is in is lawless anyway this won't matter.:D
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