Please help me identiyfing this capacitor

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New Member
Hi guys,

I'm trying to identify this component and get its datasheet. It's written:

S+M 09328 TS00
1u J 630 KN

It's coming from an automotive direct injection cartridge.

I already decoded:

Siemens-Matsuchita capacitor
630 V
1 µF
J is tolerance
KN probably mfg date (K=1996, N=October)

But I'd like to get the datasheet to know full specification (operating temperatures, ...)

S+M is now Epcos, but P/N have changed.

Any ideas?

Thanks for answers.


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Perhaps J indicates MKP type- metalized polyester.
these are made by many like Philips, etc.

no need to use S-M make.
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