Please help me in the design of this idea

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New Member

Please help me in the design of this idea..
I need to move a small car forward and backward,
by Using the wireless units, to connect between your computer and control circuit.

Please see the picture

**broken link removed**
search on the www for zigbee. With it your wireless access point could be inside the car.
Solutions to which problem?

Be more specific.

Do you want help or that someone design the whole thing for you?
some one already sugested to use RCs already used in cars and aero planes, you dont make any comment about it and just repeatedly asking for help???
Thank you very much

I own two wireless access (Such :TP-LINK 601) as in the image at the top.
I need to an electronic circuit, which I will move the car in four directions by Using the computer (PC) .

Using the cable network outside of the computer and connected to wireless access Point(No.1)

client wireless access (No.2) receives the signal from wireless access Point(No.1) and passes it through the cable network outside of it into the car for controlled.

The type of cable connected by car from wireless client is Cable Network (RG -45)
The type of cable connected by PC from wireless access is Cable Network (RG -45) .

Please give me a design for an electronic circuit ,How can I apply this idea ?!

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you application is very simple and you want to use access points for this?? you may need another interface to understand what your access point data refers to at the remote end. short of encorder(hardware) and protocol.

its possible to do as you mentioned. may be some one who knows well in this area can give you good answer.

Yes, I'm waiting for a good answer.
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