please help me to find this

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dilan silva

New Member
i have national pedestal fan with remote controller

i lost some transisotrs & main ic

can anyone help me to fix this can anyone guess those missing component

thanks bye


  • DSC00010.JPG
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The last image you posted, unlike the first two, is not even viewable and totally out of focus.

Unless someone here happens to have that exact fan model I doubt you will ever know what the missing parts were.

If you need a short focus (macro) for a camera phone, hold reading glasses in front as if the camera was one of your eyes (in this case you may have to borrow Dad's glasses.).
A simple controller, most any transistor/scr of correct voltages would suffice, you are screwed with the I.C. unless you can remember some #'s?
Searched the garbage, yet? Too late for that now.
probably there is a PCB number at the downside.. you might be able to contact the manufacturer for details.
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