Please help me with this VOLTMETER

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Please help me measuring AC voltage with this VOLTMETER

I want to measure household voltage...that is about 200V - 250V AC

I saw this project with the ADC IC ICL7107 here

but the problem is this measures DC voltage....

Please suggest me how will i measure the 250V ac current....???


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First of all, why do you want to measure the AC mains voltage?

Do you just want to measure the voltage every now and again?
In that case just buy a cheap DMM, you can buy them for £5 or so in the UK. A complete instant and safe solution.


Do you want to have a permanent monitor displaying the current mains voltage?
In that case you will need a supply for the DVM module, +5v and -5v from a quick look at the attached circuit.
You can do this using a transformer and a couple of rectifiers, capacitors and 3-terminal voltage regulators.
Then you will need a second transformer to provide an isolated signal to measure the voltage, a rectifier, resistors and a capacitor to convert the AC to DC and filter and scale the signal to the range of the basic DVM.

Actually i want to add two of these voltmeters on the input and output of a 1kv 220volt step up transformer and monitor it all the time....
and moreover i want to use the seven segment display so that it is visible from a little far all the time...
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