Possible Causes for Power on problem

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Hv created a prototype on a breadboard involving a PIC MCU, a matrix keypad, LCD, buzzer that runs off 3xAA battery. Everytime I turn on the switch, it will display a menu of items which I then select using the keypad.

Quite frequently however, I notice that whenever I turn on the switch, nothing appears on the LCD. I have to turn off and on, sometimes more than once before I see the menu.

Any idea why this is so?

i agree with Nigel. This problem hit me a while back and it was indeed in the delay for initialization. I suggest you set it to delay a bit longer if anything. If that doesnt work then i suggest you post more info like schematic/code. So we can see what it is. (or try at least )
The LCD delay should have been sufficient, but I'll try again.

Couldn't find the POR setting; I'm using a 18F4620. However, just found out there is a setting PWRT, "power-up" timer, which provides a 65 ms (nominal) delay from the time the PIC detects that it has been powered up until program code begins execution. This delay allows the device's power supply to stabilize.

Sorry I couldn't do the above testings as I am in the middle of some escalation at work. So will report later to see if any of your suggestions work when I have the opportunity to try them out. Thks!
Not sure if you are using a Internal oscillator but if so be sure to wait for:

IOFS: INTOSC Frequency Stable bit.

How about posting some code if possible.
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