powering a 9v motor from a monostable 555

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New Member
hello, i have problem with my project, can anyone please point me in the direction of circuit diagrams etc. of how i can get monostable 555 timer circuit to power a 9V motor, as it is proving very difficult to get enough output power. it also be only baisc compnents, i dont hav the time for the school to order specialised/uncommon components
motor driver


you can still use the 555 to drive a transistor to drive your motor. as what russlk said how much current do you need. if its less that 500ma youcan use any PNP or NPN transistor (TO-92) w/a rating of at least 600ma. if at 1A use a TO-220 or TO-3
Hi Groo

See whether this ckt suits for your purpose.

(sorry, I saw a wrong connection in the first ckt diagram and hence corrected.The emiter of 2N3055 should go to the ground(-ve))


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