Powering my circuit

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New Member
I everyone I have built a circuit which will need powering. It requires 15+ and 15- and I would like to power it through a DC Input.

I have another circuit which is 12V and this uses a N4006 Diode, 220uF Electrolytic Capacitor, 8L05 Transistor and a 100nF capacitor along with the DC input to power it.

Would this be ok to use on a 15V Circuit?

Thanks Stu


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A '78L05 is not a transistor; it is a three-legged linear regulator. It makes 5V; not 15. You can buy a '78L15 or a '7815 which will make 15V.

To get the -15V for a dual (split) supply, you will need to get a '79L15 or '7915, and you will need a second set of components in the blue box,

Since you need a center tapped transformer, you cannot use a single output DC wall wart. If you can get a 20 to 25VAC wall wart, write back, and I will show you how to use that to get a split supply.

This what the dual/split supply will look like: Do not use 1N4001s; use 1N4004 to 1N4007s, instead.
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there are a great few tutorials in a Sticky post on the General Electronics Chat about power supplies. It is a guy who talks about the basics of a power supply even talking about center tapped transformers creating +12 and -12v but it can be adjusted to any voltage. A link is here: link
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