Pressure sensors

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New Member
hi there.

i am working on an elevator model and i would like your sggestions on some points:

can i use a pressure sensor to detect the overload condition of the elevator? and if so, what sort of signals does it ususlly give? and can it be converted into digital bits to run a motor driver?

how does an elevator respond to its door status? i mean, what is the mechanism by which the elevator knows its doors are open and will not move till its doors close?

pls help me out with this.

thanks and regards

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Elevator overload is detected by overload-current taken by the motor.

The door open/closed is detected by a lever and micro switch.
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hi there.

thanks for the reply. but could you please specify what kind of lever is used? and also what is the principle of operation of a microswitch.


The circuit is a current detector for the motor.

Look up the internet for the operation of a microswitch.
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