primary winding current.

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hi e86.

Look at this LTSpice plot of a transformer showing a Loaded and Unloaded secondary.
[the L3 inductor represents the transformer primary, with no secondary load]

Basically a transformer primary with a unloaded secondary is just an inductor.


  • TXR1.gif
    35.6 KB · Views: 172

The reason that in L1, the current doesnt lag behind the voltage is beacuse the load in the secondary circuit is a resistor?
Meaning, if this load wasnt a resistor, but a capacitor or another inductor, we would have seen a 90 degrees shift between Vp and IL1?

You can get a free download of LTSpice from the web.

With it you can set up most circuit conditions to check against your theory and calculations.

As you seem to be very interested in looking into the function of devices I would recommend you get LTSpice.
Many members use it and will on request attach a copy of a *.asc working file.

Its takes a little time to learn LTS but its worth the effort.


  • txr1.asc
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Look at this sim.
A 1H inductor load and a 1000uF cap load.


  • TXR2.gif
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  • txr2.asc
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