Problem with JHD 162A LCD

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I found this article to be very interesting. The good news for me

Hello..! My name is Violet.!
I am new to this forum and I am really excited about this Discussion and would love any kind of guidance.
I hope someone can help me with this question that I have..I found this article to be very interesting.
The good news for me...Who is a moderator of this topic..??
If anyone has any info. on this subject ( recipies are also welcome) I would greatly appreciate a reply at 'violetgorman'@''

hi madhumita,
Thanks for the reply. Sorry i had not carefully seen ur name. now my code is also working.
guys you seem to be getting the output but i tried the same code but i cant see any out put just black boxes if the pot is at its max value ie iam using 10k pot
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