Problem with MPLAB IDE (continuation of LVP thread)

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Souper man

I am currently in the stage of almost being ready to program my first chip. I am having one major problem though. I am having a problem with MPLAB IDE. I would go to project wizard, and click on my chip (16F877A) and would continue on until I got to the programmer language. I would go to select MPASM toolsuite, and It would have a red X marked next to it. It would then say somthing like it coulnt find the directory or somthing. I have tried to re-install MPLAB 4 times now, but now I am getting pissed. any Help or other programming sites?
Haven't followed all your previous problems, but taking your current hitch, would suggest you take a look in the directory as shown below - these three files make up the MPASM toolsuite, have just looked in mine v7.61

C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\MPAsmWin.exe

Just a ps to the above reply - before you 're-install' have you been uninstalling the existing Mplab via the control panel,add/ remove programs before you do so.
Yes I have been following that uninstall order

The picture is the box of my microcontroller stuff that I ordered, plus other stuff i needed. the multimeter is a Mytech MY64. Very nice and sturdy design. I love it. It includes a thermocouple for temperature. 42$

(I heart transistors, so I ordered 100 of each: PN2907A and PN2222A)


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WTF! it still isnt working! I am getting very pissed. any other PIC programmers?

I did find the MPASMWIN thing, but not in the MPLAB thing. How do I use this?
I got this problem also. But it was fine after uninstalling and reinstalling MPLAB IDE.
In the project wizard, after selecting your chip, the rest of the setting are remained default.
Maybe you can download the latest version of MPLAB IDE.

WTF! it still isnt working! I am getting very pissed. any other PIC programmers?
Nothing to do with the programmer in this stage
Jameco must be very happy.

Here's something to cheer you up Souper_man

You can run MPASM for windows as a stand alone app, you don't need MPLAB for what you're doing. Just find the .exe in your /Program files/microchip/MASM Suite/

There is an explanation but not in english for using MPASM with 3rd party programming software, lots of pictures though...
**broken link removed**

And I thought Firefly had a tight ZIF fit
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I have that MPASM thing above, and when I write a program (the hello world) I would check everything I think it needed and then I would press assemble. It would say Source file path may not exceed 62 characters. About ready to give up.

Where would I place a reset switch on nigels 16F877A board?
Try to save the folder in the shorter path, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\my document\xxx
sounds like a good idea.

Could I wirte the program in MPLAB (under the new tab) then save it onto MPASMWIN program? will that work?
Not sure. Usually I write some short program in notepad and save as asm file. Then use the project wizard to build the project file. I can do the editing in MPLAB IDE. I don't use MPASMWIN.
OMG! it doesnt work. It starts popping up errors: error in parameter " "
with parts of the directory inside the " "
You said that it showed the error "Source file path may not exceed 62 characters", didn't you?
SO just create the directory of your project files (asm file) with shorter path, in my document for example.
I already did that

There is a new error saying: Error in parameter " "

Inside the " " marks are a part of the directory.
I dont know. I have no idea what Im doing. I used the simple hello world program, from bills site. (go to the thread "LVP cable and other misc. questions". Look through until you see a post that has blueroomelectronics thing). I want a simple program that flashes a LED on and off either once or continous. It doesnt have to have much of any thing else.
Are you using a 16F877A or 16F877

Here's the 16F877A source code and it compiles just fine with MPASM
;*** WDT reset toggles RB0
    list     p=16F877A
    include <>
    __CONFIG 0x3F7D
    org      0
    bsf      STATUS, RP0   
    movlw    b'00001110'
    movwf    OPTION_REG
    movlw    b'11111110'
    movwf    TRISB
    bcf      STATUS, RP0
    movlw    1
    xorwf    PORTB, f

Here's the output 16F877A.hex file


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