Problem with MPLAB IDE (continuation of LVP thread)

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How do i open this? I cant upload it.

How do i program this into 877A?
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Just click on the zip file to download it. Right click on the file and unzip (much eaiser with WINRAR (google it))

You'll have a file called 16F877A.HEX simply run your programming software, import or open the file and hit the program button.
still doesnt work. Im just going to buy the inchworm+
how do I use the inchworm with a 877A

I think I am going to build my own Inchworm.
But I need the bootloader 877A and the PCB. could I buy one from blueroom/you directly?
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You'll need MPLAB working for the Inchworm.

Stick with the JDM till you've got a few PICs programmed. Here's the 16F877A hello world program as seen by ICProg. You could actually type in the hex code directly.

PS make sure you check LVP before you program the part.


  • ICprog.png
    33.9 KB · Views: 167
I hate microcontrollers now...

Im just going to buy a PIC programmer. Nothings working.
No, I was using the stolz LVP with a 9pin connected directly to it.
any good programmers and software
(cept for inchworm [uses MPLAB, sorry] and MPLAB)?

I am going to visit my high school and see what programmer and software they use. they use the PIC series, so I might use their stuff.
I am getting to frustrated even to the point i wont even look at my microcontroller right now.

back to digital logic for a while.
it doesnt support A version.
I am using a built in serial port into my desktop
Of course Nigels WinPICProg site contains some great PIC tutorials and he wrote WinPICProg a parallel port style PIC programmer. It's a more advanced circuit than the simple LVP programmer but it's also more capable and is a HVP programmer. You'll need a patched .dll for your parallel port with XP but you like transistors...

Here's another link with ICProg and the schematic for a 16F877A, lots of info about JDM style programmers and schematics based on Microchips own simple programmer described in AN589 (uses the parallel port) Nice site too.

If you want to buy an Inchworm that's great, but you should solve the MPLAB install first else you'll be just as frustrated.

Make sure you have admin rights on your XP box before you install.
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On this computer, we are all admin, or its turned off or somthing.
Thats fine, I can't figure out why MPLAB is giving you problems then. You can't have long file names and you should stick with the default install.
I did, I am going to try and buy some software, or when I go to my highschool, I am going to see what software they are using. If it is MPLAB, I will need a alternitive. any suggestions + programmers (I want to have a little programmer connector on my projects board, so thats somthing to consider, Inchworm would have been perfect =(... That smiley is crying just to let yah know)?
You should get the software problem hammered out before buying anything else. Your hardware may be just fine. The 'part of a filename' error is probably happening because the files its trying to compile have spaces in the directory names leading up to it. If you don't surround those in quotes, it won't know.
if you type:
Program Files\Microchip
It sees
Surround them with quotes, like so:
"C:\Program Files\Microchip\directory\filename.ext"

William gave you a hex file to try and burn, and the only information you've given about the problem is 'It doesn't work'. Need more information if anyone's gonna help. Screenshots, error messages, descriptions of your setup, etc.

Yes, it's frustrating when it doesn't work, especially when you're first starting and have no idea how to troubleshoot things to figure out the cause of the problem. It feels like its hopeless and random. But take the time to try and resolve it, breaking it down into little testable pieces, and you'll be amazed how much you'll learn. The first week with an Inchworm cost me some hair before I got it working, but I learned a hell of a lot resolving that problem.
I am using the stolz LVP programmer. I am willing to buy the Inchworm+ ICD2 programmer, because of its obvious superiority. I am going to try the software one more time and read everysingle little detail, in case I was missing somthing easy. I am either going to build or buy the Inchworm+. thats for sure (or another HVP)
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