Progress report

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New Member
A month ago, I received my PICkit2 and plunged into this mad world of PIC programming.

The attachment is intended to share some of what I have learned so far.

What I call my "Learning Board" actually demonstrates four applications of PIC programming through assembly. At the bottom right is a 12F683 multiplexed to drive six LEDs in sequence 1-6.

Above that, a 16F505 is simply showing the two states available from one output pin.

At the top left, a 16F688 is outting a six second delay, then a string of ten pulses which drives the hand-held calculator through an NPN transistor.

And last, the 12F509, which acts as the main on-off switch, powering the entire board through a TIP 31 transistor.

Not shown are my LCD board, and a light-dark detector using the comparator of a 12F683, in daily use as a night light in the Grandson's room.

I feel I've made a bit of progress in a month's time. Where can I go from here?

Edit: by the way, thanks to all for the knowledge picked up here while lurking.


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Thnks, Mike. The chips used were all samples from Microchip, and I have a couple more on the way, including an 877a.
It is nice work.
You will be amazed at what you can do with a PIC.
Welcome to the club
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