project on control and instrumentation :

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a final year project at elactronic engineering is required for submision,including control and instrumentation side by side a little bit application of telecom and microprocessor.share something u have regarding to this along circuit,required equipment and suggestion perspective to this.
I am a C&I Engineer in a big international mining EPCM company. If you came to me with that request you would be looking for another job tomorrow.

C&I Engineers don't beg! We make things happen. Show us what you've done so far.
Hey Instrumentation and Control guy. I work in a building where we have clean rooms. I need a building management system modeled for me. I would like to see a model building where temperatures are controlled as well as humidity. Some rooms need to maintain positive air pressure to prevent any foreign matter (dirt and dust) infiltration. I need a building control and management system. This is a million (USD) project and we will be accepting bids. We would like a complete demonstration model and will provide partial funding for the model. The model is to be a two story facility (think large doll house) with both engineering office spaces and work rooms. Get creative!

Hey Instrumentation and Control guy. I need an autoclave system built. The system will circulate deionized grade A water heated to 600 degrees F. through the autoclave system. The clave will be electrically heated. The heating process will involve ramping up the temperature so a blanket of Argon or dry pumped Nitrogen must be added in proportion to prevent boiling. We need to know vessel pressure, clave flow rate, pump current and voltage, temperature, and other considerations for full autoclave control. Additionally we need to collect and log data from not only the autoclave but the product under test mounted on the clave. We require a small demonstration vessel with full control and data logging capabilities. This will be open bidding on a multimillion (USD) project expected to last six months.

I ran across a recent magazine that had a new room heating and cooling algorithm ... seems to be about 25% more efficient than current schemes.
It would probably require a micro-processor of some sort to implement.
I can give you a reference if there is any interest.
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