proteus simulation errors

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New Member
i have a probleme with my circuit simulation ;
ISIS Release 8.06.02 (Build 23525) (C) Labcenter Electronics 1990- 2017.
Compiling design 'C:\Users\Dell\OneDrive\Documents\New Project.pdspr.pdsprj'.
Netlist compilation completed OK.
Netlist linking completed OK.
Partition analysis completed OK.
Simulating partition [07E763F2]
PROSPICE 8.04.00 (Build 21720) (C) Labcenter Electronics 1993-2017.
Loaded netlist 'C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\LISA1898.SDF' for design 'New Project.pdspr.pdsprj'
[SPICE] Gmin step [0 of 120] failed: GMIN=0.001
[SPICE] Gmin stepping failed
[SPICE] Source step [1 of 120] failed: source factor = 0.8333
[SPICE] Too many iterations without convergence.
Real Time Simulation failed to start.


  • New Project.pdspr.rar
    29.6 KB · Views: 300
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