PSPICE simulation Error

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New Member
Hi guys

I have this problem when I simulate the circuit attached. for the two opamps, it shows greens circle next to them, and when i click on it it says: "No PSpiceTemplate for U1A, ignoring".
I would like to know what is the reason for it. plus when I run the circuit, I get the following errors:

V_V2 V2(+=V- -=GND_POWER )
D_D3 D3(1=N00239 2=N00203 )
D_D4 D4(1=N00203 2=N00239 )
_ _(v+=V+)
_ _(V-=V-)
_ _(V+=V+)
_ _(V-=V-)

**** RESUMING oscillator-schematic1-opamp.sim.cir ****

ERROR -- Node N00239 is floating
ERROR -- Node N00203 is floating
ERROR -- Node N00064 is floating
ERROR -- Node GND_POWER is floating
ERROR -- Node N00071 is floating
ERROR -- Node N000171 is floating
ERROR -- Node V+ is floating
ERROR -- Node V- is floating

Any idea of what I did wrong? thanks in advance.
Is the TL072 model native to PSpice or is it imported/converted from a third-party source?
Is the TL072 model native to PSpice or is it imported/converted from a third-party source?

Its from a third-party source. I downloaded a library days ago off the internet, and it happens that the TL072 was also included in that library. I did that because I could not find the TL072 in the library that were already in PSPICE. Would that be the reason for the problem?

PS: The floating problem I already solved. Just clicked in ground components, and renamed them in property editor as "0", instead of "GND_POWER".
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Would that be the reason for the problem?
I guess so, if the third-party model was for a different simulator and wasn't fully PSpice compatible (e.g. syntax differences).
Help create model in PSPICE

hi guys

I have been trying to create a model for the TL072 opamp in PSPICE. But when i simulate the model that I created, it shows a green circle on the opamp and says, "pin 4 in template not found on U1."

Any idea of what might be the problem? Also if anyone can help create the model, you can find in the attachments the SPICE model and the steps.

PS: the steps are for the THS4131 opamp, not TL072, so they are just a guide.
thanks in advance. Appreciate your help.


  • steps.jpg
    0 bytes · Views: 2
  • TL072.txt
    1.1 KB · Views: 419
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How did you solve it? I have the same error. I downloaded the THS4531 from Texas Instruments, but when I simulated I got these errors:

ERROR [NET0077] Pin VIN+ in template not found on U2
ERROR [NET0077] Pin VIN- in template not found on U2
ERROR [NET0077] Pin VCC in template not found on U2
ERROR [NET0077] Pin VEE in template not found on U2
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