PTM button to control 4 way circuit

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New Member
Hello guys and galls , how are we all?
I need to make a circuit where a button will control a 4 way circuit. Here's the catch, I'm obsessive compulsive...if that switch doesn't ist in the sam position the entire time it's sat there it'll come out! which is why I can't simply use a 4 way push button.

So my plan is simpleish
It's all 12v DC and I need a Push to make button to interact with a processor? to then click a switch over please correct me if I'm wrong!
All in all 1 input 4 positions (including off). Can someone draw me up a simple schematic and what processor I'm looking for please? as I have no idea what processor etc
A block diagram would help. Things that come to mind: a rotary switch with four positions. A mechanical stepping switch. A push-button which advances a logic-chip counter through four states, possibly with LEDs or a 7-segment digit display that shows which state it is at. A push-button switch connected to a PIC microcontroller where the state advancing is done in software. Etc...
I'm not quite sure what you mean by block diagram, I thought of a rotary switch but again switches have to be straight. I may look into that as that seems the most logical alternative. What you mentioned last regarding a microcontroller sounds like what I need. What would I need and how exactly does it work? I've not done anything with microcontrollers before but have a good understanding of electronics

Thanks again
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