pulse generator

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New Member
newbuddy here looking for a way to build a pulse generator to control a hydraulic cylinder . ineed to use a 10k pot to control the speed or( pulse ) to coil of the valve (output pluse max 33hz)
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thanks hero999,

this unit source is 12vdc
could not find a 10k pot nor a coil in the SWcad 111 to draw and test the circuit . all though i can read circuits i've never tried to draw them
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That still isn't enough information.


Duty cycle?

Ever thought of using an astable 555 timer?
I'll have to get back the coil i need ,it is at my brother house
thanks again Hero999
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I suppose you have a proportional hydraulic valve.
That valve will be powered by a PWM circuit controlled by the 10k potmeter.
The faster the pulses out of the PWM, the faster the cylinder will go.

How is the direction of the cylinder controlled?
Do you have another valve for direction, or does the speed valve also control direction?
In other words how does the hydraulic circuit looks like?

From my maintenance experience I should tell you:
Buy existing electronic modules from a well-known factory e.g. Wandfluh.
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It has two micro switches on the joystick to a foward and reverse valve.

this is where the 10k pot is located also

i called my brother , and he said the output volt read 8 vdc , his ampmeter only reads 0 to 20 amps and dose not read low enough

I'll have go out with my meter to check it

what i'm not is a typist
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danno said:
It has two micro switches on the joystick to a foward and reverse valve.

this is where the 10k pot is located also
Don't get that
A valve is for me a hydraulic part, it can have one or two electric coils.
Can you make a sketch of both electric and hydraulic circuits, scan them and post them?
Please be a little more accurate when you describe something. Thanks for that

danno said:
i called my brother , and he said the output volt read 8 vdc , his ampmeter only reads 0 to 20 amps and dose not read low enough

I'll have go out with my meter to check it

what i'm not is a typist
Better take a scoop with you
The power supply is 12Vdc right? You measure 8V over the coil. Or there is already a PWM involved somewhere or the pot meter divides the 12V power for the valves.

Back to the drawing board: What's the problem?
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