Pulse meter with PIC16f628 on LCD Display

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New Member
Hello, it's my first post in this forum!I want help....I am new on microprogramming and i don;t how to program my pic and my lcd.....i must to make a pulse meter....it count the pulse(from a button) until the clock be 60 sec and then if you have pulse between 67-73 the lcd show that you are ok and one green led light,if you have less than 67 the lcd show that you have less pulse and one yellow led light and finally if your pulse is over the 73 then the lcd show that you haven't normal pulse...and one red led light....!I want help by you.....a lot of help!I want to help with the program..i want to tell me some good simulator for my pic not only for the design...i want a simulator to communicate my program with my flowchart! i am waiting your answer...!It is very important for me........
First of all, thank you for your answercan i ask you something...could you help me with the code...or with the flowchart....?I am new in this kind of program....and i am not sure if i had understand good the way that i must to use my pic....
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